Monday, March 27, 2006

Jumping in, up and running, only to stagger

Finally, my first day at the new office. I have to be honest, it’s not quite as I expected. Kind of disappointing, if anyone would care to ask me.

First of all, my desk used to belong to someone who left quite in a hurry. There are all kinds of odd stuff lying around, from which I have deduced that the previous owner of this table was a woman. So far I have found 2 packs of panties, 3 couple photographs, some gaple card, several toys (none of it are sex related), and other useless things. But the worst turn off is the fact that my desk computer is a Pentium III with just 4 Gs hard disk memory and a 64 MB RAM running a 98 Windows.

The creative department is tucked on one of the corner part of the office with no planning at all. The room looks a lot like my old room at Lambang Biru, I’m sure some of you can gratify the situation at hand. Only half of the computers here are connected, so whenever you need to pass a file or anything, you have got to have a flash disk or something.
And the worst part is…

Now I’m not gonna start yapping about the system here. I haven’t been here long enough to say anything. But it doesn’t look good though. My first impression is that there is a kind of attitude that undermines the importance of good creative.
Off course, when you put it all in a perspective, there’s a stint of challenge and ship load of opportunity. But it will take one hell of a commitment and consistency from my part. To kick stuff around and shape things up, or down.
Or I can just pack my bag and get the hell out of Dodge….

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Living legends and a hopefull

Senangnya bisa masuk dalam satu bingkai bersama tokoh-tokoh ini. Kapan ya aku bisa setaraf mereka (dan ngga perlu nyempil gini) hehehehe.....

Monday, March 20, 2006

Don't know any better

You Are Balanced - Realist - Powerful

You feel your life is controlled both externally and internally.
You have a good sense of what you can control and what you should let go.
Depending on the situation, you sometimes try to exert more control.
Other times, you accept things for what they are and go with the flow.

You are a realist when it comes to luck.
You don't attribute everything to luck, but you do know some things are random.
You don't beat yourself up when bad things happen to you...
But you do your best to try to make your own luck.

When it comes to who's in charge, it's you.
Life is a kingdom, and you're the grand ruler.
You don't care much about what others think.
But they better care what you think!

Here I Come to Save the Day

Your results:
You are Superman

The Flash
Iron Man
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Thursday, March 16, 2006

As I lay me down to sleep

Untill recently, I'd ussualy ask myself one question, "Who are you?"
It wasn't much of a question, being a mere prelude to the stories which I always told myslef to help me sleep.
I've stopped that little habit for some time now, though when I'm quite restless at night, it kind of creep back on me.

That one little question bothers me. Alot, since I was in university. Cause back then I realise that it relates to my well being. It's my alter-ego doing a check on me and not liking what he saw, decided to haunt me....
My mind defended me by turning it into a prelude for bedtime story. An excellent way to keep my sanity untill I realise that my bed time stories are the reflections of my hopes and dreams, my unsatisfied desires.

So now, whenever I'm about to sleep and that question pops up in my head....
I know something is wrong with my life

"I'm so anxious that my anxiety have anxieties..."
-Good ol' Charlie Brown-

Friday, March 10, 2006



Itulah perasaan ku saat ini. Semenjak milis CCI langgananku marak membicarakan Young Lotus Award yang sedang berlangsung di Pattaya.

Tapi apa mau dikata..., memang bukan jatahku untuk kesana. Jatah? Emang siapa yang bagi-bagi gratis? Atau aku memang belum mampu? Atau mampu hanya belum dikenal? Atau sudah dikenal cuman terbukti tidak mampu?
Kalo itu aku yang pergi apa aku akan berhasil lebih baik?

A moment in the sun
itulah yang akan aku nikmati dan aku manfaatkan seandainya aku bisa menang award, any kind of award. Aku akan nikmati karena mengingat kondisiku sekarang masih banyak yang harus aku lakukan untuk bisa mencapai itu semua. Dan waktuku tidaklah lama lagi...
Aku juga akan memanfaatkannya dengan belajar sebanyak-banyaknya dari mereka yang ada disekitarku. Bagaimana saingan-saingan ku bekerja, ilmu apa yang mereka punya, apa saja kelebihan mereka dan kekurangan ku. Dan pastinya memanfaatkan untuk mendapat duit yang banyak dong... :P

FYI, finalis Young Lotus Award dari Indonesia tahun ini salah satunya bernama Nico Owen. Miripkan sama namaku..., Nicolo Danar
Nasib aja yang beda jauh. :(

Well Nico (owen), Provisiat boss!!!! Dan terima kasih atas cambukannya

Friday, March 03, 2006

Song for Butterfly

I first heard this song some time ago and it's just lovely. When I found the song in my friend PC, I just can't stop myself from searching for the text and posting it. One thing bug me though..., just what in the hell is a rainbutterfly? :P

She Goes Nana
the Radios

She's like a rainbow
Sways while she glows
Moves like a river
Turns while she flows Uuh yeah

And then she steels your heart away
She's taking it all someday I'll make her mine yeah
You look into her angel eyes
The cherry red sun will rise and love will shine

When she goes nana nana
Colors will keep on turning
Shimmering by like a rainbutterfly
Cruising the blue blue sky

Oh she
Shines like a flower
Fades while she grows Uuh yeah

And then she wipes your tears away
She's holding your hand someday like lovers do uuhhh
You hesitate another while
She's showing her magic smile and dreams come true


She's on the run
Flies on and on
She's cruising the sky my friend
And in the end she goes
She goes nanana

Nana nana nana nana
Colors will keep on turning
Shimmering by like a rainbutterfly
Cruising the blue blue sky

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Just a Cup of Tea

It's nothing much. But still, a cup of tea is what I really find missing ever since Mom is busy taking care of her new grand-daughter.
Not the empty, quiet home, dark and forlorn as it may seem. Not the clean dining table or the cold kitchen, I rarely eat at home anyway. Nor is it the absen of a human being to greet me as I open the door and enter house, or the lack of conversation there of. There has never been much of it since my childhood.

For me, A 25 years old copywriter who still lives with his parent *sigh, the one indication that I've been left home alone, is the lack of a cup of tea set on my side of the dining table. It's a sign that my Mom, the one person who is supposed to be home, is not here to take care of the house, my Dad, and me. Kind of selfish and lame don't you think?

But still it answer one of my most nagging question. No, not about the life, the universe, and everything. It's about what would I miss the most about a person close to me, should they one day decided to walk out of my life.

The strange thing is..., is not a very nice cup of tea my Mom made. Mom always made it in the morning, while preparing breakfast for Dad which most of the time happens after I left for work. By the time I got home, pretty late most of the time, it is dead cold, brewed some 12 hours ago.

Still it's a sign that someone remember me...

Thanks for the tea Mom

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Moving Out

I'm finally moving out of New Flavor! After 2 years of routine, starting March 27, I'll start working in a new agency called LingKom (Lingkar Komunikasi), thus creating a 'new' routine :P

It's not that I'm eager to leave my friends here at New Flavor, especially since I've been with some of these guys for my entire career (so far at least, *drama king mode "ON"*). Still, Heaven knows I need to get new experiences. I can also use the extra money though, hehehe....

So now all I got left here in New Flavor is 18 working days. Most of which I'll spend tying up all the loose ends, such as one last radio comm, several revision for print ads and (I HOPE) a photo shoot. Other than that, i also have this strange feeling of being estranged.

In restropect, this is the end of a beginning for me. Soon a new beginning will start and I hope is it start well.

*sigh* I'm gonna miss all those SOBs.
