Just a Cup of Tea

It's nothing much. But still, a cup of tea is what I really find missing ever since Mom is busy taking care of her new grand-daughter.
Not the empty, quiet home, dark and forlorn as it may seem. Not the clean dining table or the cold kitchen, I rarely eat at home anyway. Nor is it the absen of a human being to greet me as I open the door and enter house, or the lack of conversation there of. There has never been much of it since my childhood.
For me, A 25 years old copywriter who still lives with his parent *sigh, the one indication that I've been left home alone, is the lack of a cup of tea set on my side of the dining table. It's a sign that my Mom, the one person who is supposed to be home, is not here to take care of the house, my Dad, and me. Kind of selfish and lame don't you think?
But still it answer one of my most nagging question. No, not about the life, the universe, and everything. It's about what would I miss the most about a person close to me, should they one day decided to walk out of my life.
The strange thing is..., is not a very nice cup of tea my Mom made. Mom always made it in the morning, while preparing breakfast for Dad which most of the time happens after I left for work. By the time I got home, pretty late most of the time, it is dead cold, brewed some 12 hours ago.
Still it's a sign that someone remember me...
Thanks for the tea Mom
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