The road to happiness
All roads lead to somewhere. That so much is the fundamental law that governs our reality just as the law that for every action there is a reaction, or that in every Monday there has to be a traffic jam.
Even the road to nowhere leads to somewhere, because nowhere is actually somewhere in time and space but we just don’t have a point of reference for it, or don’t have a name for it, or maybe just like to call that particular point “nowhere”. Such is the case with road that goes round-around on a full circle. This particular road will lead us right back to where we start wherever that is. All though it may sound absurd, those two road lead to somewhere some of us like to be every now and then.
A different case applies to the condition of the road itself. There is nothing certain about it. Regardless of our destination, we would find surprises along the road’s many potholes, junction, and twist and turn. Some road may seems to be as straight as an arrow before suddenly takes you on a 90 degree right hand turn, or may takes all the way up a steep climb until suddenly leveled out on an open plain.
The road to heaven is as treacherous as hell while the road to hell offers a paradise view along the way.
Now how about the road to happiness? We all thought we know the way, hell some of us can even claim that he/she even have a map of the road, but is that so?
Because just like our daily commute to the office which we can honestly claim to know by heart, some jerk going to cut us off the road somewhere along the way, a kid going to jump right in front of our car, as we pulled out of the drive way or a hole going to appear right in the middle of yesterday’s perfect road all of the sudden. They will jump at us when we least expected them and makes us wonder if going to our destination really worth the trip down the road.
I guess as long as it leads to happiness it’s worth it. Because I believe that when ever we take to the road we should always know our destination. And when we know our destination we can, to some degree prepare ourselves for the road. And when we are aiming for happiness, boy, don’t we have a lot to prepare.
When traveling down the road to happiness there are not shortcuts or expressways. It’s a long and winding road with very few rest stops so plenty of chips and extra drinks and several packs of cigarettes might come handy. And God helps you if you ever run out of gas. Also, the road map that worked for some may not work for you. Often all we can do is move on, enjoy the ride and hope that you would make on time, just as the same as when we got caught in the rush hour traffic during rainstorm.
The only thing you can count on the road to happiness is that all road leads to somewhere and yours leads to happiness.
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