Moving Out

I'm finally moving out of New Flavor! After 2 years of routine, starting March 27, I'll start working in a new agency called LingKom (Lingkar Komunikasi), thus creating a 'new' routine :P
It's not that I'm eager to leave my friends here at New Flavor, especially since I've been with some of these guys for my entire career (so far at least, *drama king mode "ON"*). Still, Heaven knows I need to get new experiences. I can also use the extra money though, hehehe....
So now all I got left here in New Flavor is 18 working days. Most of which I'll spend tying up all the loose ends, such as one last radio comm, several revision for print ads and (I HOPE) a photo shoot. Other than that, i also have this strange feeling of being estranged.
In restropect, this is the end of a beginning for me. Soon a new beginning will start and I hope is it start well.
*sigh* I'm gonna miss all those SOBs.
Mozeltof, break-a-leg, etc. :)
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