Thursday, January 04, 2007

What's your dream?

Last week, I had a wonderful Christmas present! An interview at Chuosenko (for those of you who are not in the same galaxy, it is one of many multinational ad agency from Japan operating in Indonesia). And boy, am I thrilled!
I mean finally I've been spotted by one of the big boys and I'm eager to make it!
But I don't wanna count my chickens just yet, after all they may not hatch.
Still there is something worth noticing....
I realize I've had an attitude change! All those time (hardly)working at my current agency has fill me up with passion I never thought possible. Right now I all I want is to create ads! Not just any ads, but (hopefully) award-winning, (surely) entertaining, and still sells the product (absolutely).
I have also become more focused.
How did I learnt that?
From the answer I gave on the questioner that they handed me.
When they asked what I wanna be in 2 years time, I answered "a winner"; in 10 years time, "a winner, several more times". I don't need to be a Creative Director, Senior Copy, Head Copy or whatever. I just want to write and win! An award, a business, the clients, and customer for my clients, I want to win them all!
In the part where they asked me if I have any dreams, I wrote "people are not stupid, clients are not ignorant, and ads are entertaining". Man...., that was one hell of a dream.....
Well, it's a new year now, and dreams may come true....
What's yours anyway?

Happy New Year Folks!
