Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The lighter sight of religion

Thanks to a late night documentary from Discovery Channel, I've just found out that there is something wrong with Christmas. First of all, Jesus wasn't born on the 25th of December. He was born on, well according to some tidbits information from the bible and a bored looking sciencetist that is, ...(roll on the drums, please)... the 16th of May. As matter of fact, the church has decided to drop Christmas on the December 25 simply because some pagan religion was also having a holiday at that very date. The church had quite a deal by doing that, they got a holiday and a bunch of follower.
Imagine what would happen to Santa Claus if he had to deliver christmas on the exact date. His sleigh would have a hard time landing on rooftops because..., well there's no snow in May. He'd looked pretty ridicolous too, wearing his costum in May, not to mention that he'd be sweating a lot more than a chinese in an scandinavian spa house.

On an unrelated and even lighter subject, my laundry lady asked me this morning if the pair of short I've been sleeping with for the past 2 months is dirty. She came to my house every day to do the chores and she saw me in that short every morning for the past 2 months!
I can not help but answer "no, its not! I have slept in it for the past 2 months. If it were dirty, I would have had it washed."

Monday, August 29, 2005

Who ever said...

...that religious tolerance is dead in Indonesia? Even a Madrasah Stanawiyah (a moslem educational institution) is so full of it that they take part in a national competition on Christian patronage, as shown in the picture below:

Image hosted by

A reliable source has confirmed that the competition will range from general history on Roman Catholicism, Sainthood and patronage knowledge, to Church Foul Ups, Cover Ups and Misinformation.
There will, however, be no competition about Chirst's Teachings.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

A quickie

A recent brainstorming sesion has bring forth a disturbing question.

Every religion has told us that as a reward for our faith, God will give us blessing, a gift, a barokah, rahmat. What would happen when there is no such thing, no reward for our faith but to return to His/Her side when our time comes. No Heaven or Hell to speak of, just be with or without God

Would you still follow your religion? Would I still follow mine? Are we that greedy?
Does God have to lure us with certain benefits by doing certain rituals?

*sigh* Too heavy a thought to be asked, I guess...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

my 2 cents on Indonesia

A while back (sorry for the understatement), a friend of mine (my dear Bavalova) asked me to tell her about Indonesia.
It took me a long time (yes, very long time, I'm sorry) to decide how or what is it about Indonesia that i want to tell her. And in the end, she still haven't got any email from me.
The truth be known..., I don't know a god-damn-thing about this country of mine. Every thing seem to be in contradiction with one another.
For a start Indonesia is an archipelago consisting thuosands of island. Yet only about a third of it are populated, and about half of the population life in only three island, that will be Java, Sumatra, and Bali. What in the hell happened to the rest?
Indonesia streches from east to west as wide as the north american continent and it's been to hold a wonderful natural beauty and lustfull tropical forest. But I bet you couldn't find anything better about Indonesia tourist destination than Bali Island (which is actually one of the smallest island).
Indonesia's natural resources is one of the richest in the world. We have everything that a nation could ever need to survive on its own. But yet Indonesia rank as one of the poorest country in the world.
The people of Indonesia consist of thousand of different ethnics and cultures, an antrophologist heaven. The constitution acknowledges five differents religion and support any beliefs in the all-mighty God. We should have been the model for harmoniuos living. Yet somehow, the last thing we are capable of is living together.

Aw hell..., I don't mean to be bitter. This is my country, a beautiful country, and I'm proud of it! But there are just so many thing that went wrong you can help but felling frustated.

Btw, Indonesia independence day is August 17...

Friday, August 05, 2005

song of the moments

Now I'm not the kind of guy who like to explain what it means or supposed to mean. But I'm sure every now and then each and every one of us would have surely met a girl like her.


And Audrey was her name,
a not so very ordinary girl or name.
But who's to blame for a love that wouldn't
bloom for the hearts that never played in tune.
Like a lovely melody that everyone can sing,
take away the words that rhyme it doesn't mean a single thing.

And Audrey was her name.
We tripped the light and danced together to the moon,
but where was June. No it never came around.
If it did it never made a sound,
maybe I was absent or was listening to fast,
catching all the words, but then the meaning going past,
but god I miss the girl, and I'd go a thousand
times around the world just to be closer the her than to me.

And Audrey was her name,
I never knew her, but I loved her just the same,
I loved her name.
Wish that I had found the way
and the reasons that would make her stay.
I have learned to lead a life apart from all the rest.
If I can't have the one I want, I'll do without the best.
But how I miss the girl and I'd go a million
times around the world just to say she had been mine for a day...

PS: Say big guy..., could you deal with legal thingies here? I'm not good about rights & regulations you know... hehehe....
