The lighter sight of religion
Thanks to a late night documentary from Discovery Channel, I've just found out that there is something wrong with Christmas. First of all, Jesus wasn't born on the 25th of December. He was born on, well according to some tidbits information from the bible and a bored looking sciencetist that is, ...(roll on the drums, please)... the 16th of May. As matter of fact, the church has decided to drop Christmas on the December 25 simply because some pagan religion was also having a holiday at that very date. The church had quite a deal by doing that, they got a holiday and a bunch of follower.
Imagine what would happen to Santa Claus if he had to deliver christmas on the exact date. His sleigh would have a hard time landing on rooftops because..., well there's no snow in May. He'd looked pretty ridicolous too, wearing his costum in May, not to mention that he'd be sweating a lot more than a chinese in an scandinavian spa house.
On an unrelated and even lighter subject, my laundry lady asked me this morning if the pair of short I've been sleeping with for the past 2 months is dirty. She came to my house every day to do the chores and she saw me in that short every morning for the past 2 months!
I can not help but answer "no, its not! I have slept in it for the past 2 months. If it were dirty, I would have had it washed."
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