Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Back on track

There are many things that can be compared to riding a bicycle. Producing a radio script into a radio commercial, as I have just found out, is just such thing. Maybe it’s because I haven’t been out of touch for too long. It has only been a year.
But still, it takes a while to get used to. Just like when first jump back onto a bicycle after a while. For the first couple of minutes, everything is just feels awkward. You don’t quite sure of the handle bar, can’t fine the brakes, loose your balance, not sure who to talk to, is the talent saying it right, is the music good enough, or why are things happen the way they are.
But after a short while, I was able to get my feel again. I can tell when the talent is doing it right, or when he said it with out enough vigor and such. At the end of the recording session I couldn’t help but enjoying it again. The spirit, the energy, and that little satisfaction when everything is right.
Now all that’s left is just the approval, both from my client and my co-workers. Hopefully I haven’t loose the feeling and I can still deliver a good work.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Uncomfortable comforts

For the past 4 of days I have been very busy. I'm so busy infact, that I totally missed Easter (sorry mom).
It all started with my client persistency to have their TV commercial shot, edited, and aired in a week. So I have to finalize the script on monday. 1st pre-pro on wednesday, 2nd on thursday. Started shooting on Friday. Did offline on Saturday, online on Sunday, and final mixed it this morning. The commercial itsefl is aired tonight (yipeeee!!!!)
I have deduced so far, that what the production was done on a breakneck speed, by everyone standard. Even the pros that I worked with say it was short of a miracle, especialy with the kind of quality that we have.
The accomplishment is not without is price though. One thing for sure is that, it left everyone on my team dead tired, my account exec even broke out in tears under the pressure (but she also had a lot of other things than this TV comm).
The other thing that happened is not business related.
Since last weekend was a long weekend, Anash (a.k.a Cupcake) had a hard time, at first, taking it. But I must say she handle it quite well in the end. She decided since I couldn't be with her for the weekend, she should be with somebody else. It's a matter of comfort. As long as she had something to do and somebody to do it with, she wouldn't feel down and forlorn, and as long as she wasn't, she wouldn't give me a hard time.
This comforting little arrangements was not so comfortable after all though.
Somehow it made me feel replaceable. I really gotta make it up to her....
Show her that although I may be absent from time to time, it would still be better for her to wait for me.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

An open Letter to my baby brother

Dear Agung....
I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to reply your last email after so long. I have been quite busy lately (lame....). But I have a good reason to be busy. You see, I've moved to another ad agency. It's been barely over a week now and the pace here is hectic!
This new agency is called Colmanhandoko and on the night of my first day (march 27, My first day was March 28), my new boss asked my to come over and help. By the time I finished helping her, it was 4 A.M the next day.
My old agency would spent alot of time between job. I used to have a couple of boring weeks every month where I just don't know what to do at the office. Here, I'd consider myself lucky if I can have a cigarrete break. Back at Lingkom, I only need to worry about getting to the office on time. Here I have to squeeze my brain out and cross my finger, hoping that the client would approve the 3rd batch of radio scripts I just sent them while at the same time brainstorming for the TV commercial I'll shoot in the morning.
But the good thing is...., I'm back at the action, producing all kinds of ad. You should be able to see when you got back to Jakarta. I'm also meeting a lot of new people and learning a lot of new stuff while at the same time brushing up my old skill. Bottom line is, I'm finally doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
Enough about me....
Thank you very much for reading my blog. Somehow, it's the best way for you to hear anything about me, other than through mom and dad. I'm quite proud that you like it. I'll try to write better so can enjoy more.
Your friend, in the mean time, seems to be enjoying herself. She has found another girl from German and having a good time with her. I've met her once, when I and Anash took both of them to Taman Mini. Katina is a nice and quiet, but her friend, Franzeska (hope I got it right) is more livelier and Anash like her alot.
Anyway, You'll be back in June right? don't forget to pick something nice for me. And also don't forget that you have a niece now, so bring something nice for her too. A giant doll will do nice, though I don't know how you'll pack it.
Well..., until then keep reading my blog and take care!
