Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Back on track

There are many things that can be compared to riding a bicycle. Producing a radio script into a radio commercial, as I have just found out, is just such thing. Maybe it’s because I haven’t been out of touch for too long. It has only been a year.
But still, it takes a while to get used to. Just like when first jump back onto a bicycle after a while. For the first couple of minutes, everything is just feels awkward. You don’t quite sure of the handle bar, can’t fine the brakes, loose your balance, not sure who to talk to, is the talent saying it right, is the music good enough, or why are things happen the way they are.
But after a short while, I was able to get my feel again. I can tell when the talent is doing it right, or when he said it with out enough vigor and such. At the end of the recording session I couldn’t help but enjoying it again. The spirit, the energy, and that little satisfaction when everything is right.
Now all that’s left is just the approval, both from my client and my co-workers. Hopefully I haven’t loose the feeling and I can still deliver a good work.


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