Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Cerita seratus kata

tadinya aku pengen postingin sesuatu yang laen pada postingan ini. Sebuah pengamatan ten.... Ach! sudahlah itu bisa lain waktu.
Aku sekarang mau naro cerita-ku dulu. Sebuah cerita yang sudah berkutat di kepalaku untuk waktu yang lama. Dan mungkin akan jadi sebuah percikan kecil di antara neuron-neuron otakku yang semakin menghilang sejalan waktu.

But first thing first...
Matur nuwun sanget buat Ferdinand FZ yang telah bersedia untuk menemani-ku menjadi co-pilot di blog ini. Dia sudah menambahkan links ke beberapa blog dan site favoritku. Later on, any one of us may add something. I konw for sure, cause i've add some myself.

On ward....
Dari salah satu link yg baru ditambahkan oleh Ferdi (Rey's blog) aku jadi tahu tentang sebuah blog site yg bertajuk
  • cerita 100 kata
  • . It's a very wonderful site! langsung aja aku menuliskan ceritaku, dan menyambung pembukaan tadi, yang sudah berkutat di kepalaku selama ini.

    Cuman aku takut ga cukup bagus buat masuk kesana. Jadi daripada mubazir, aku taro juga disini...

    Tujuh langkah.

    Rintihannya terdengar jelas diantara desingan peluru yang bertaburan dan ku lihat ia tergeletak disana, hanya tujuh langkah dari tempatku berlindung, teman baik-ku. Ku tarik nafas dalam-dalam dan ku beranikan diriku. Aku harus menolongnya!

    Satu. Kami berteman semenjak kecil. Kebetulan rumah kami bersebelahan.

    Dua. Tumbuh bersama, sekolah yang sama, bahkan cita-cita yang sama.

    Tiga. Pernah berkelahi karena rebutan mainnan.

    Empat. bermusuhan karena rebutan pacar.

    Lima. Aku menangis dipundaknya ketika tidak tahan dengan kehidupan militer.

    Enam. Tinggal selangkah lagi


    “Berita hari ini, seorang prajurit TNI tewas dalam kontak senjata dengan GAM saat berusaha menolong prajurit lainnya yang terluka …”

    Sunday, April 24, 2005

    Co-captain's Message

    Welcome aboard to Air Dee Pojok, this is your co-captain fERDI:) speaking. The weather is nice, slightly cloudy but breezy bright. If you would care to look out your window you would find a pleasent vermillion sunset greeting you.

    Our flight have taken off a couple of months ago (!). We've had smooth flying so far and as far as we can see also smooth flying ahead of us. I am here to report that, although our good captain has handled this maiden voyage with excellent manuvering, he has requested that I do a little 'housekeeping.' Nothing too serious, but in fact hopefully you would find my small co-piloting touches inspiring to your comfort in this flight.

    I have also taken liberty with providing links to other sister flights in the airs. Mostly friends of the captain, some blog purely in English but some also in Indonesian. All I must say personally to be inspiring, at least mostly. And fun if not that. Oh, and I also linked some other planes that I am flying right now at this very moment (don't you just love the power of the internet?)

    Additionally I would like to leave you a reference to this most excellent document from the documentation team, detailing how to have fun with hyperlinks. As you will undoubtably find after reading it, linking is not exactly rocket science, and in fact it can actually help us in developing our viewpoins (and gather some more traffic; we always love more traffic :p). And I would like to also recommend this equally interesting article regarding how to add more links to your sidebar. It has been traditionally thought that links on your plane's respective sidebars would give a thread of connectivity, friendship and meaning to your flight (some linguists and social scientists would use the term 'context').

    As time would permit I would also like to modify our sidebar with one of those newfangled tagboards, either from, wdcrezz, or other sources. And perhaps also to add support for Haloscan's excellent trackback and commenting systems (which has an auto-install for Blogger users BTW).

    That's about all the updates that I can give to you for the moment, either I or the captain will surely call out to give more messages as needed. So sit back, relax, and we will surely have a safe flight ahead of us. This has been your co-captain.


    PS.: I modified my posting time; I really did begin writing this and modifying the template at sunset. It would ruin the story if it wasn't sunset. Come on, have a sense of humor, please?

    Dan kalau mau petunjuk membuat link dalam Bahasa Indonesia, sabar yah... itupun salah satu proyek jangka panjang gue :p

    Update 26/4/2005: I've added a shoutbox shoutbox.

    Tuesday, April 19, 2005

    Krisis 1/4 abad

    A friend of mine, Reyhan, once said something about a quater of a century crisis. It's a feeling you got when you are 25 years old. Somekind of uncertainty mixed with alot of anxiety. 25 years of age is the time when you look back to those days, and wondering what the hell had happened, and look forward but not knowing where to go or what lay a head.

    Anyway, I turn 25 a couple of months ago so the quater of a century crisis is quite real to me.

    Mentari tua
    tak lekang oleh masa
    seperempat abad ku melangkah
    akankah aku semakin dewasa?

    Cahaya pagi
    bangkitkan kenangan masa lalu
    teguhkan hati
    tuk terus melangkah maju

    Tuesday, April 12, 2005

    reminiscence on relationship

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    Relationship is something vague. You may never realise it, but it's there. It's an ethereal lingkage between you and your surroundings, animate and inanimate. You may never notice it, but you have a certain relationship with your bedroom, with your parents, dog, the earth, and even those germ living inside your stomach.
    As I stated before, relationship may be vague. Yet it can also be qiute real, such as sibling, employment, and many more. But as real as it may be, you can never be realy sure. And most people can only handle a limited amount "real realtionship". Most of our realtionship tends to be vague and hardly realised.
    The reason for the vagueness of a relationship is because it's a hard work keeping a real relationship going. It takes alot of attention and energy, especially since you need to reevaluate it every now and then, less it dissapear and become another vague relationship.
    One of the most real relationship is lover relationship. It's a relationship that comes into being when you become attracted to someone (whetter it's from the same or opposite sex, is purely up to you) and begun seeing him/her on a steady basis. On this kind of relationship, both you and your partner have a certain expectation of each other. And everyday, you'd re-evaluate it. Wherter he/she is up to your expectation and are you up to theirs.
    So what do you do if you have that kind of relationship for 4 years? You'd start to take everything for granted and hope for the best. You'd learn to do things that would fulfill your partner expectation and some more. And most of all, you'd learn that there so many ways in keeping a real relationship, such as love, real.

    Monday, April 04, 2005

    A wingless night

    It was almost one when I finally decided to go to bed. Out side, I can still hear mom and dad talking to my little brother halfway around the world in Germany. None of it concern me. All I want was to lie down and die, not actually though.
    But after a long day what else could youwant?

    As I lay me down to sleep, strange thoughts started to flood in to my mind. Nothing new. I always tell myself stories to help me sleep. Sometimes action stories, romantic stories, some times even erotic. They always started the same way, strange thought flooded in to my head.

    Half way trough consciousness, I realize something was amiss. Instead of being drifted all the way in to blissful sleep, I found myself hovering in between. A state of being that's neither awake nor asleep. where the images both real and not converge.

    In this transitional world my mind suddenly became aware of it self, just as it lost contact with my body. My mind scanned my darkened room to find some meaning and understanding, but since it no longer had any control of my body, it can only see what my eyes allowed it to see. And that was when the horror started happening. The strange though starting to materilize in front of my stiffened body.

    I tried, no, my mind tried to order my body to move. Tried to chase the strange thought away. but the strage thought were persistent. One of them, an old man whom I recognized but couldn't tell, started laughing. It mocked my disability to move and chased it away

    I couldn't tell how long has time passed. for all I now it could've been an eternity. I tried to move my body to no avail. tried to move my limbs with the same result. All along the old man that was my strange thought laughed at me. 'What is happening?' I asked myself. Instead of cruising through dreamlands and rise with the sun, I found myself trapped in a wingless night.

    Finally after a great struggle, I was able to move my fingers. As I was able to unclutch them, the whole transitional world disapear and I was left in my room. Still in lying in my bed in the same position as I first laid down. The only difference was my hands are unclucth.
