reminiscence on relationship

Relationship is something vague. You may never realise it, but it's there. It's an ethereal lingkage between you and your surroundings, animate and inanimate. You may never notice it, but you have a certain relationship with your bedroom, with your parents, dog, the earth, and even those germ living inside your stomach.
As I stated before, relationship may be vague. Yet it can also be qiute real, such as sibling, employment, and many more. But as real as it may be, you can never be realy sure. And most people can only handle a limited amount "real realtionship". Most of our realtionship tends to be vague and hardly realised.
The reason for the vagueness of a relationship is because it's a hard work keeping a real relationship going. It takes alot of attention and energy, especially since you need to reevaluate it every now and then, less it dissapear and become another vague relationship.
One of the most real relationship is lover relationship. It's a relationship that comes into being when you become attracted to someone (whetter it's from the same or opposite sex, is purely up to you) and begun seeing him/her on a steady basis. On this kind of relationship, both you and your partner have a certain expectation of each other. And everyday, you'd re-evaluate it. Wherter he/she is up to your expectation and are you up to theirs.
So what do you do if you have that kind of relationship for 4 years? You'd start to take everything for granted and hope for the best. You'd learn to do things that would fulfill your partner expectation and some more. And most of all, you'd learn that there so many ways in keeping a real relationship, such as love, real.
cool post.
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