Monday, March 21, 2005

Murphy's law

Today, I want to celebrate one of the greatest discovery in logic in the history of mankind. It is called "MURPHY'S LAW"!

It is a premise that declares 'if anything can go wrong, it will'. While I can tell you that the founder of the law is an aerospace engineer working for the US Air Force back in 1949, I will not indulge myself in the history of it's discovery. Other people has done it remarkably well. Such history can be found at or the wiki-pedia.

I, however, would like to point out how it stand true in our everyday life.

As human civilization gets more advanced, our every day gets more complicated. A short (civilazation-wise) 15 years ago, I couldn't care less about cell phone, computer, lap-top, and all those hi tech gadget. The only transportion I need can run with only a few hundreds rupiah or a good breakfast. Now I have an outdated cell phone with bad connection every now and then, a computer that can only do games and act like it would break down any minute, I crave for a laptop, and I drive a car that requires Rp 50.000 every 3-4 days just to get it running.

And now I couldn't get a good night sleep without worrying which one of those thing would breakdown.

The more advanced we human are, the more factor involved in our everyday life, there fore the more chances for anyrhing to go wrong.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Are we in hell?

'Someone once said that hell is the impossibility of reason"
Charlie Sheen - Platoon

Harga BBM naik tinggi. Setengah dari penduduk di Indonesia berada di sekitar atau di bawah garis kemiskinan. Tsunami di Aceh, gempa di berbagai pelosok negeri, kebakaran hutan di Kalimantan, banjir di Jakarta, kekeringan dan kelaparan di NTT, puting beliung di Jawa Tengah. Kerusuhan bisa dan tengah terjadi di setiap daerah. Rakyat Papua tidak menginginkan pemberantasan penebangan liar di daerahnya karena akan menyebabkan ratusan orang kehilangan pekerjaannya. Pada saat yang sama kejadian tersebut menyebabkan harga bahan bangunan naik tinggi.

Negara tetangga dengan asyk-nya merampas kekayaan alam Indonesia, sementara dari seluruh sistem persenjataan dan peralatan perang yang sudah ketinggalan jaman ini, hanya setengahnya yang berfungsi. eh iya...., DPR minta naik gaji. Gaji saya masih belum naik. Harga gabah petani dibawah harga gabah resmi pemerintah yang juga masih dibawah harga kebutuhan pokok petani.

Waduh...., kalok di list kaya gini kok kaya-nya ga ada habisnya yah? Belum lagi masalah korupsi, kejahatan, pembunuhan, perampokan yang setiap hari ditayangkan di televisi.

Dan ini semua tetap terjadi meskipun setiap hari terdengar seruan pemerintah, petuah orang bijak, nasihat orang tua dan guru di sekolah.

Reason just don't seem to work in this country.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Missing You

the star in the sky
is no match to your eye
and that sweet little honey jar
is bitter to your smile

trough the burning summer
you are the wind in my face
in an endless winter
your the fire that i gaze

but as the night falls
and the season changes
now that you're gone
i feel so out of place

for you shine like the star
as pretty as the moon
and the one thing i really want
is to see you again, soon...
