Murphy's law
Today, I want to celebrate one of the greatest discovery in logic in the history of mankind. It is called "MURPHY'S LAW"!
It is a premise that declares 'if anything can go wrong, it will'. While I can tell you that the founder of the law is an aerospace engineer working for the US Air Force back in 1949, I will not indulge myself in the history of it's discovery. Other people has done it remarkably well. Such history can be found at or the wiki-pedia.
I, however, would like to point out how it stand true in our everyday life.
As human civilization gets more advanced, our every day gets more complicated. A short (civilazation-wise) 15 years ago, I couldn't care less about cell phone, computer, lap-top, and all those hi tech gadget. The only transportion I need can run with only a few hundreds rupiah or a good breakfast. Now I have an outdated cell phone with bad connection every now and then, a computer that can only do games and act like it would break down any minute, I crave for a laptop, and I drive a car that requires Rp 50.000 every 3-4 days just to get it running.
And now I couldn't get a good night sleep without worrying which one of those thing would breakdown.
The more advanced we human are, the more factor involved in our everyday life, there fore the more chances for anyrhing to go wrong.
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