Monday, July 31, 2006

Matsuri Time!

Akhirnya setelah sekian lama berharap dan bermimpi ikutan Festival Kebudayaan Jepang, hari minggu kemaren kesampean juga!
And it was a sight to see indeed!!!
there was these little japanesse dolls, a complete altar for boys festival, girls festival, merangkai bunga ala jepang (i don't know what they call it), martial art exhibitions (missed it), origami display and workshops, and also manga and doushinji done by Indonesians (talking bout cultural colonization :P).
But the main attraction of the day was... COSPLAY!!!!!
you know..., the art of dressing up as your favorite manga, games, or anime heroes (or villain). Those guys I saw there really go all the way, and I mean all the way in making their costume. One guy wrapped his entire head with bandages, leaving only a small hole to peek. there was also this girl who wear a costume made out of styrofoam or some sort, that made her look twice bigger then she really was.
Most of them come in pairs or as a group. One of my favorite was a group of about 7 guys (some of them were girls but i couldn't tell) and dress in black with NAZI like ignisia except for this one girl who wear a costume of a nun. too bad i can't remember the name of the anime they were cosplaying (soooooo, sorry folk!)
the only thing i found lacking on that hot sunday was the variation. i mean there was dozens of kamen raider (although from various version) and at least half a dozen Naruto groups. and then there was several final fantasy VII, VIII and X-2. But still... all and all, it was and afternoon i wont forget soon!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

(just?) another Personality Test

OK, let's face it. Is there anyone out there who has never seen a personality test? Well..., anyone? thought so.
But somehow we just can't keep ourselves from taking another one everytime someone found a new way to boost(or kill-depending on the result) our ego by saying that we have a certain psychological or personality traits (hope I got the terms right or Cup-cake's gonna kill me :P)
Or maybe it's just the thrill of widenning those Johary Window? Or maybe it's just for laugh.
Well it doesn't matter, cause I found another one in Alia's blog and judging by the long copy that she wrote, it's quite reliable (detailed info you care to check on it).
To cut matter short, I took the test and found out that I'm an ENFP (Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving) which mean I'm:
- moderately expressed extrovert
- moderately expressed intuitive personality
- moderately expressed feeling personality
- distinctively expressed perceiving personality

what ever that means... hehehe....

If you want to try it yourself just click here. Sorry folks no cute pictures or flashy animation here.
