(just?) another Personality Test
OK, let's face it. Is there anyone out there who has never seen a personality test? Well..., anyone? thought so.
But somehow we just can't keep ourselves from taking another one everytime someone found a new way to boost(or kill-depending on the result) our ego by saying that we have a certain psychological or personality traits (hope I got the terms right or Cup-cake's gonna kill me :P)
Or maybe it's just the thrill of widenning those Johary Window? Or maybe it's just for laugh.
Well it doesn't matter, cause I found another one in Alia's blog and judging by the long copy that she wrote, it's quite reliable (detailed info you care to check on it).
To cut matter short, I took the test and found out that I'm an ENFP (Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving) which mean I'm:
- moderately expressed extrovert
- moderately expressed intuitive personality
- moderately expressed feeling personality
- distinctively expressed perceiving personality
what ever that means... hehehe....
If you want to try it yourself just click here. Sorry folks no cute pictures or flashy animation here.
Gue INFP. Kalo nggak salah. Dulu gue pernah nyoba. Sampe ada versi Blogger Personality Type segala.
Males ngejalanin lagi, tes-nya panjang. Tapi emang yang di personalitypage.com tuh yang paling thorough dan akurat. Ada kayaknya di blog gue tapi males nyari juga :p
Gue barusan tes lagi and its confirmed: I'm an INFP.
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