Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Welcome Little Angel

Hari ini, 22 February 2006, kakak-ku tercinta dianugerahi seorang putri cilik yang cantik. Sungguh sebuah anugerah buat keluarga-ku karena dia adalah generasi ke 4 dari keluarga Moersaid, kakek-ku, dan ke 3 dari keluarga Gatot Purwanto, ayah-ku.
Keponakan pertama ku, yang sayangnya sampai saat ini aku belum sempat bertemu. Tapi ngga papa...
Paman-mu yang satu lagi masih harus menunggu jauh lebih lama lagi sebelum bisa bertemu dengan-mu, malaikat kecil.
Jadi...., walaupun aku bukan yang pertama, ijin aku mengucapkan:

"Welcome to this world little Angel!"

Monday, February 20, 2006

Personality Check (updated)

Too those of you who know me... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE visit this site My Johary Window
I want to learnt more about my self (narcist mode "on"), hehehehe....

So far, 11 people has answered the call. And here is the result:


(known to self and others)

caring, cheerful, friendly, sentimental, witty

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

able, accepting, adaptable, bold, clever, complex, confident, energetic, giving, happy, helpful, idealistic, kind, knowledgeable, logical, mature, modest, nervous, patient, relaxed, self-conscious, sensible, silly, spontaneous, trustworthy, warm


(known only to self)



(known to nobody)

brave, calm, dependable, dignified, extroverted, independent, ingenious, intelligent, introverted, loving, observant, organised, powerful, proud, quiet, reflective, religious, responsive, self-assertive, shy, sympathetic, tense, wise

Dominant Traits

63% of people agree that Nodee03 is friendly

All Percentages

able (9%) accepting (9%) adaptable (45%) bold (9%) brave (0%) calm (0%) caring (9%) cheerful (27%) clever (9%) complex (18%) confident (45%) dependable (0%) dignified (0%) energetic (18%) extroverted (0%) friendly (63%) giving (9%) happy (27%) helpful (27%) idealistic (9%) independent (0%) ingenious (0%) intelligent (0%) introverted (0%) kind (18%) knowledgeable (27%) logical (9%) loving (0%) mature (9%) modest (9%) nervous (9%) observant (0%) organised (0%) patient (9%) powerful (0%) proud (0%) quiet (0%) reflective (0%) relaxed (9%) religious (0%) responsive (0%) searching (0%) self-assertive (0%) self-conscious (18%) sensible (9%) sentimental (18%) shy (0%) silly (36%) spontaneous (9%) sympathetic (0%) tense (0%) trustworthy (9%) warm (18%) wise (0%) witty (9%)

Created by the Interactive Johari Window on 21.2.2006, using data from 11 respondents.
You can make your own Johari Window, or view Nodee03's full data.

To those of you whom I haven't had the honour and pleasure to meet personaly, please feel free to contribute as well. hehehehe.......

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Sedikit demi sedikit
segalanya menjadi indah
dan tiba-tiba aku terjerebab
tak kuasa meninggalkan mu

setitik demi setitik
pesona mu merasuk ke dalam sukma
mengisi setiap relung hati
membutakan jiwa

lengkaplah sudah Kasih....
kini aku tak kan bisa lari dari Mu
dalam setiap tetes darah ku
mengalir senyum-mu

aku kini mencandumu sayang...

Friday, February 10, 2006

Employee's Grudge what you get when you found out that the fictional post on the production budget worth more than your monthly salary.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

God Help Us....

I'm feeling a bit down lately, and I've just found out why.

You see..., I was born a Catholic, raised a Catholic, and so far has been suspected to die a Catholic as well. But yet, somehow I've lost contact with my root. The reason for this phenomenon I believe, is the lack of a patron saint for my current profession as a copywriter in an advertizing agency.

Roman Catholic has patron saints for almost every profession known to men, and women. Some profession even enjoy the patronage of several saints. But so far I haven't been able to find a patron saint for people working in advertizing.

This is outrageous. I mean, advertizing job is said to be tha second most stressfull job in the world, the first place goes to air traffic controller who also don't have a patron saint (poor bunch of SOBs), and we don't have anyone up there looking after us!

Isn't there any among the hundreds of Creative Directors, Copywriters, Art Directors, Account Executive, or Graphic Designers, or anybody else working in an Ad agency good enough to be a saint? I know many of my fellow advertizing man has created a few miracle of some sort. Like making a ciggarete designed for women a symbol of American masculinity and independence, or made a pair of snicker produced in a third world country worth the same as the average income of such country.

If those are not enough miracle to make one a holy man, at least it should be enough to make a man say "holy %$#*!!!"
