Friday, February 25, 2005

An Ode to the Past


Do you remember
all the passing year
When all you can do was hear
and shet all your tears

All of those classes
we have passed
with me and our classmates
and friends from other places

And as we finally grew
so much the world have shown
but just like the winter and is snow,
we all going to go...

never to see your smile
though i can still fell it in my heart

And now between the moving time
under the circling sun
sometime i sit
and i think of you
and i wonder...

Do you think of me?

hehehe...., setelah puisi yg pertama sekarang ada puisi lagi. Dan mengingat masih ada beberapa puisi lagi yang pernah saya tulis, kayaknya akan masih ada lanjutannya. Semoga ga ada yang bosen...
BTW, comments are more than welcome! they are expected!


ini bukan lagu lho!

A long while back, I used to write poems. Nothing much, just a jumble of words that pops up in my head. Here is one of them.

The Reason

What good is a living
when there is nothing to live for
What good is believing
when there is nothing to belive in

Man searches for a reason,
without knowing,
if they would find any.
And in the end he would die
for what he believes to right
and those who see otherwise
will have to face his might.

In the end...
The only truth we will see
is the one we choose
to believe in.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

With no remorse I want to die

The Foggy Dew Lyrics

As down the glen one Easter morn
To a city fair rode I,
Their armed lines of marching men
In squadrons passed me by.
No pipe did hum, no battle drum
Did sound its loud tattoo
But the Angelus' bells o'er the Liffey swells
Rang out in the foggy dew.

Right proudly high in Dublin town
Hung they out a flag of war.
'Twas better to die 'neath an Irish sky
Than at Suvla or Sud el Bar.
And from the plains of Royal Meath
Strong men came hurrying through;
While Brittania's Huns with their long-range guns
Sailed in through the foggy dew.

The bravest fell, and the requiem bell
Rang mournfully and clear
For those who died that Easter-tide
In the springing of the year.
While the world did gaze with deep amaze
At those fearless men but few
Who bore the fight that freedom's light
Might shine through the foggy dew.

And back through the glen I rode again
And my heart with grief was sore
For I parted then with valiant men
Whom I never shall see more
But to and fro
In my dreams I go
And I kneel and pray for you
For slavery fled
Oh, glorious dead
When you fell in the foggy dew

Most of you folk probably never heard of this song. It's a Irish folk song, and it tells of...., oh well. Read the lyrics and you'll get the picture : P
Anyways, for those of you who don't know me very well, I LOVE this kind of things. You know... war, battle fighting for a freedom light, dying (although I prefer killing) for what's right. And since any human conflict consist of at least 2 parties with their own ideas of what's right.... It really doesn't matter which side your on as long as you believe in it.
I see this kind of thing as the shortest and easiest way to live and die... Esspecially since I have always looked for a meaning in live.
Hmmm.... come to think of it, I think I understand what those human bomber are after.


Monday, February 14, 2005

Morning has broken

Morning has broken
Like the first the morning...

what better way is there to start a new blog page other than humming that little song by.... (now, who sang that song anyway?). Anyway...., my dear friend, Ferdi, told me a long while a go about this blogging thing and asked me to try it out. Esspecialy since I have always declared myself as a writer. But untill now, I haven't the faintest idea, nor the courage, nor the time about what to do with it.

I mean, I love to write (that's why I call myself a writer) but I'm too lazy to put it down in a piece of paper, or a piece of anything for that matters. My thoughts are ussually a jungle of circus clown performing all at once that I can hardly ever focus on anything. So naturally, putting it down for a decent blog would require a hell of an effort for me.

But then about a year ago, I started working in a little Ad agency. My CD (creative director) Jaja, also have a blog page. He asked me why I don't have one (he loves to write, btw). So I started thingking "man, this blog thing is really something." I remember saying that I'm working on one, but haven't got enough materials yet. What a crap!

Well, as it turns out, working as a copywriter gives me idea about what to write and the time to do it, sometimes. It also forced me to concentrade on a task.

So... here it is! My Blog Page! Hope it turns out well... since all well ends well, well... hopefully that is!

: P

