Monday, February 14, 2005

Morning has broken

Morning has broken
Like the first the morning...

what better way is there to start a new blog page other than humming that little song by.... (now, who sang that song anyway?). Anyway...., my dear friend, Ferdi, told me a long while a go about this blogging thing and asked me to try it out. Esspecialy since I have always declared myself as a writer. But untill now, I haven't the faintest idea, nor the courage, nor the time about what to do with it.

I mean, I love to write (that's why I call myself a writer) but I'm too lazy to put it down in a piece of paper, or a piece of anything for that matters. My thoughts are ussually a jungle of circus clown performing all at once that I can hardly ever focus on anything. So naturally, putting it down for a decent blog would require a hell of an effort for me.

But then about a year ago, I started working in a little Ad agency. My CD (creative director) Jaja, also have a blog page. He asked me why I don't have one (he loves to write, btw). So I started thingking "man, this blog thing is really something." I remember saying that I'm working on one, but haven't got enough materials yet. What a crap!

Well, as it turns out, working as a copywriter gives me idea about what to write and the time to do it, sometimes. It also forced me to concentrade on a task.

So... here it is! My Blog Page! Hope it turns out well... since all well ends well, well... hopefully that is!

: P



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