Thursday, September 29, 2005

1.000 Visitor!!!

Today, at around 3.30pm WIB (waktu Indonesia Barat/West Indonesia Time) Dee pojok had recieved its 1.000 visitor. Yippie....!!!!!!
Not that I want to be a narcist or anything is just..., aaa what the hell! I'm a narcist!
Thanks to all of you who has come to deepojok. Hope you enjoy it and have a good time reading it. Because that's what deepojok is all about, having a good time.
I definitely indebted to my Cup-cake. I believe she my number one fan of this spot. And then there's my friendly co-pilot Ferdi for all his assitance in setting up deepojok. I also owed much to my ex-CD (Creative Director) Jaja, as he was the one who urged me to write blog, as a way to sharpen my writing skill.
I must also thank all my friend who has come and visited deepojok such as Bavalova. And last but not least, thanks to my new family Blogger Family, without whom it would took years for deepojok to have 1.000 visitors.
Finally, let me just say: see you at deepojok and lets have some fun!!!


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