Eling, 'le, eling....
That was my grandpa reply whenever i, being just a little boy of 6, started being ridicolous. I never fully understand what it's meaning. What was it am I supposed to remember anyway? At least not until i grow up and started reading Khalil Gibran and Anthony De Mello books.
But fisrt let me enlighten you of the meaning of the word 'eling'. 'Eling' is a Javanesse word meaning 'to remember'. But that's just about all of the explanation i got, dictionary wise.
'Cause for me, 'eling' has become more than just a mere word. it has become somewhat a philosofy, a way of live. At least i tried to live by it.
'Eling' is more of a spiritual awareness, a state of being of constant vigil. Totaly in tune with the universe. Always in touch with reality. Well that's the utopia state, attainable only by monks, hermits and Bhuddas. Not me
As for me, it's a reminder of who i'm, where i'm, why i'm here, what i'm want, and where i'm going. And that's more than alot to handle. Cause every now and then we'd lose track of some of it.
Oh well, that enough talk.
Eling, Nick. Kowe sih akeh gawe'an (Remember Nick, you still got a lot of work to do)
Where is your sandal?
One rainny day, a young monk who has been in the monastery for 15 years
Came to his abbot seeking permission to leave the monastery.
As he got to the abbot's cottage, he took of his sandals, and folded his umbrella
and placed it by the door.
The abbot greeted him by asking "Where did you leave your sandal?" "By the door." answered the young monk. "Which side?" the abbot asked again.
The young monk was buffled. Then the abbot asked again, "and you umbrella, was it on the left or the right of your sandals?"
At that moment, the young monk decided that he should stay in the monastery until he can achieve such a high level of conciusness
Okay, now I too am baffled; where exactly were the slippers and ubrella left? And (obviously) what does the parable mean?
It's often said that good writing inspires deep thought but this is just annoyingly dizzying %-p
2 ferdi: thank you for the input bro. but don't put to much thinking on it.
Actually I'm serious man, I'm dying of curiosity!!! wHAT doEs dA PaRAblE mEAn?!?!?
tEEL mEEE!!!
what do you think? what's more important? where in hell is the frickin sandal and umbrella, or the fact that to know where those frickin things are, you have to be one with the universe and be able to really focus each and every moment of your being.
Well, just an insight.
Selama gw belajar all those 'spritual meditation' thing, mentor gw selalu bilang, bahwa meditasi itu gunanya untuk selalu berada dalam tingkat kesadaran yang lebih tinggi. Untuk mengenali 'rasa', and as nico said, to be one with the universe.
artinya gak boleh ada satupun dari tindakan kita yang luput dari 'kesadaran' kita itu. Ehm...kira-kira ngerti gak, fer?
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