Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Coffee culture

Sometime between 4 and 7 o’clock in the afternoon is a different dimension that many of us adore. In it lies our best ability to wind down and relax after a long day, to recharge ourselves and get ready for whatever the night have in store for us. We all have unique ways of getting into this little blissful place but many of the people I know, just like myself, get there with the help of a cup of coffee. I personally choose a cup of Nescafe cream.
Over the time my tools have become a little more complicated.
It has become a set off rituals that I’m so entangled with that I call it my coffee culture. No longer will a simple cup of creamy brown liquid be suffice. This culture requires a specific establishment called the café, some strange sounding coffee and some company, preferably my Cupcake.
The establishment, my culture demands, has to be cozy and nice. It has to be easily accessed, and preferrebly has a good looking collection of female patrons. Such places include Starbucks at PIM, Citos, Plangi, and just about any other mall; coffee bean and tea leaves, Gloria Jeans and the likes. My favorite places are, however, Tornado and Caswell, both located at Kemang district.
As for the coffee itself, I like Caramel Macchiato. It has this sweet flavor that I just adore, although Cupcake is wholeheartedly against it (she thinks I have had more than enough sugar in my vein). Anytime possible, I take my coffee sweet. I guess you can say I like my sugar with coffee and cream.
My coffee culture also requires a lot of cash. An hour or two of it cost about Rp 30.000 (alone) to Rp 100000 (with Cupcake). In US dollars it’s about 3-9 bucks. It may not sound much, but when you’re making as much as I do, it’s quite expensive.
The good thing is, when it comes to coffee culture, the coffee itself is no longer the issue. What’s important is that I can reach that magical dimension that exist between 4 to 7 o’clock in the afternoon, hang out and maybe meet somebody. Who knows maybe we’d bump into each other. If you share coffee culture like me, that is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean you go to a cafe like, every day? Dang, too rich for my blood, man. Maybe some other time...

(Kecuali kalo kafe-nya Kafe McDoan yang di Gang Sawo, Jalan Margonda Raya hehehe :p)

(BanSus-nya enak tenan, lho...)

[keyword: purchasing power parity]


In other news: On March 21 of 2007 on the beastie boy's oscilloscope website, their co-producer, Mark Nishita stated that their new follow-up album from To The 5 Boroughs will be released around mid-july. He also stated that the band is putting finishing touches on the album while on their slew of european concerts. The album is rumored to be titled "We Be Stupid". Although it is definite that the album will consist of about 21 tracks. [Source: Wikipedia on the Beastie Boys]

7:58 PM  
Blogger Nicolo D'Albergati D. Ch. said...

unfortunetly, I don't do it every day. That would explain why I'm so crabby and cynical most of the time......

12:25 AM  

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