Ghost Squad!
In the beginning , there was Virtua Cop by Sega. An arcade game that features a first person point of view and a pistol as a controller instead of joystick and buttons. This game let's u be a six-gun slinging, trigger-happy, bad ass cop who run rampage trough the town, shooting every criminal in sight with even bothering to read them their rights. And so a new genre of gamers was born.
Following this path came virtua cop 2, Time Crisis 1, 2, and 3, and also, though I rarely see it, Virtua Cop 3.
And now there is the GHOST Squad, a new game from Sega that lets you be...., well not six gun slinging, but still a bad ass, trigger happy, SOB who is part of a crack Special Forces unit. Sound familiar? I mean what so new about this kind of game right? Especialy when you've had million of hours playing Counter Strike, HALO, DOOM, MOH, Call of Duty, the Virtua Cop and Time Crisis series and many other spin offs.
Well read this review by gamefaqs and you'll get a better picture. But for me, the major attraction is the ability to personalize and develop your character (a privilege that used to belong only to the home consoles and PC based games), multiple endings and secret levels.
With GHOST Squad, playing arcade at your nearest 21 studio will be more than just killing time before the movie start.

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