Dreaming with an open eye
When we were young, my little brother (relatively speaking :P) collected coins. Every single coins that he earned, he never asked for them, one way or another, would be kept in a little tin can. After a couple of years and and several tin cans he just stoped. Nobody ever knew the reason why.
As it turns out, he had a dream of becoming like uncle Scrooge McDuck. You know, Donald Duck's uncle, the richest duck in the world. He wanted to be able to swim in a pool of money.
I never even learnt about his dream untill much later, and I heard it from my girl who is quite close to him. My girl also told me the reason he stoped. It was pretty much a common sense actually. He somehow come into light that coins are made of metal and it is inherently a hard and solid object. It would be difficult, not to mention painfull, to plunge oneself in to a pool of coins.
But the fact that he had a dream and actually made attempts to reach it facinates me.
I'm a dreamer, but yet i can't remember the last time I ever made any real efforts to make it come true.
Often I'd realise the futility of it a mile off, and throw those dreams away. Others are just too hard to accomplish, despite visible. While others are just not woth it.
So I end up living my life day by day, moving from one situation to the next.
Hmm...., maybe I should take a look at my dreams, and like my brother, try to make it come true. At least for a while, it give me a purpose. Some of it are quite visible and worthwhile, I'm sure, like this maybe?

kayanya emang harus kaya gitu deh. karena katanya sih orang yang sukses adalah orang yang bisa mewujudkan impiannya. jadi kita harus sama2 berusaha. oke?
Have you read today's Kompas article on the Mazda CX7?
Hi there Bavalova! thank you for dropping by! btw, what's your blog address? I would like to pay you a visit as well...
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