What now? An English Zombie?
OK, I think I owe the English people an apology...
The English language, the Spitfire, the Beatles, and the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy movie were not their only contibution to our little planet. They have a homosexual knight, spice girl, Aston Martin, hemophilia (which according to some helped in erasing the Romanov and the rise of Sovyet Union), and so on...
Well.... Here's another flick from that great empire worth watching.
Bring in Shaun of the Dead!

It's a..., well shall I say, spin off from George Romero's movie Night of the Living Dead (one of my all time favorite horror movie) and Dawn of the Dead. It is a not suprise that them English make this movie, I mean where else can you find zombies walking around but in Britain? Hell, they even got one acting as the Heir to the Throne!
And you all know that Englishmen are well known for their common senses, so this movie has more of it than Goerge Romero's. Like how the world doesn't just come to an end when the dead come back to life. Or how the British Army managed to save the day, like they did back in WW II.
All in all, this movie is fun to watch. And now I found myself a British movie fan, woe is me....
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