Thursday, December 29, 2005

Sampingan Jek!

Hell..., I'm supposed to be on vacation for a week. But yet, against my better judgement I took a side job offer from Novi, a friend of mine.
It was nothing big, just translating some travel brochure. Ussualy I split the work (or throw the whole load) with Ferdy (sorry I left you out on this one big guy). But this time I took it all myself.
And now it's finally done! Some 20 pages of travel brochure written some in English, other in Indonesia. And it cost me 2 days of free time! Damn! Never thought it would take that long....
But I think it's worth it. According to my calculation, I just earn around 1.2 million rupiahs (yippie... that's more than half my monthly salary!). But that's my calculation. Novi haven't edited it yet. Still I'm expecting at least Rp 500.000.
Besides that one, I'm also making some money by selling Jack D, Black Jhonnie, and Chivas whisky. It's not that profitable, but still it means extra cash.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nico.. ma kasih ya atas 'pengorbanan'mu. it really helped a lot !! tapi yahh...kita emnag sama2 berkorban buat project satu itu.. gw selaen korban waktu libur (yg mana sangat sedikit karena gw blm bisa cuti) juga korban hati karena kesel.
tau ga? itu project di nego pada saat gw sudah menyelesaikan semua kerjaan dan sudah mengirimkan hasilnya... gw berjuang mempertahankan hak temen2 gw yg bantu nyelesaiin project ini....dan bertahan dengan segala kemampuan yg ada...(kesannya kog kaya xena yahh??) jadi yah, kita lihat aja besok setelah loe trima 'hasil'nya....moga2 kita bisa sama2 senang bisa menyelesaikan project ini sama2...good team, i say.

11:59 AM  

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