How do I look?

I can't seem to find my good look. I mean everybody should have one right? But where's mine?
Cup-cake once said that all in all, I'm not a bad looking guy. But not handsome either. Just nice, cute (or funny), with light complexion which somehow has become my main facial attraction.
In my own opinion, my face consist of two things, circles and lines. A large, round circle for a head with 3 straight lines to denote my eyes and lips. Hell, no wonder I never got any offer as model. :P
That physical image of mine somewhat contradicts with a mental image I have of how I look (talking bout dreaming..., hehehe). In my mental image i got a more straight face with strong prominent jaw, a full lips, bushy hair and a big eye. My surgeon said I'd be better off getting a new head than undergo a plastic surgery. Damn him....
Anyway..., so far this is the best picture of myself that I got.
PS: for those of you who don't know me, I'm the one on the foreground.
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